SEGA gearing up for Gameblast 18 charity event
Proceeds help support disabled people to use computers
SEGA is gearing up to host its annual charity event Gameblast 2018 that will kick off at 1 p.m. EST on Feb. 23 and last for an entire 24 hours via SEGA Europe’s YouTube channel.
During the stream, members from SEGA Europe and Hardlight will play various SEGA games, including the upcoming Yakuza 6 and the PC version of Puyo Puyo Tetris, as well as Sonic Mania, Alien Isolation and Bayonetta.
There will be some guest appearances, too, like Hellena Taylor, who’s the lead voice actor of Bayonetta, and other fun activities like turning a SEGA Europe member into a Space Marine.
The money raised during Gameblast 18 will go to SpecialEffect a charity that “enables severely disabled people to use computers with whichever parts of their body that work best, enabling vital inclusion, ” according to the Gameblast page. “Many want to play video games. We specialise in Eye Control Technology for those paralysed and unable to speak.Through eye-movement alone, we enable people to communicate.”
Last year, SEGA raised over £1,600, and their goal this year is £2,000. You can help them reach that goal and learn more about the charity by going to the JustGiving page here.