SEGA reconfirms commitment to Nintendo Switch
During tonight’s Nintendo Switch Presentation, Nintendo took the veil off its upcoming system and confirmed its launch date and price, which is March 3 and will cost $299.
SEGA and Atlus showed off a new Shin Megami Tensei game that will celebrate the series’ 25th anniversary, as well as a brief appearance of Project Sonic 2017.
Later in the show, SEGA Games’ Corporate Director Toshihiro Nagoshi took the stage to discuss SEGA’s future plans for Nintendo’s newest console.
“SEGA sees a tremendous amount of appeal in the Nintendo Switch, and we plan to be present on the platform,” Nagoshi said. “Similarly, I, as an individual creator, sense a new kind of appeal with this game hardware.
“We will consider new games for Nintendo Switch and we will present them soon,” he said. “This new hardware is taking on a new challenge and has a lot of appealing points, and I would like to take advantage of this new concept and create an interesting game.”
There were rumors last week that Sonic Mania might be coming to the Switch at launch, but there was no mention of the game during the presentation, so it’s not looking very likely it will come to pass.
There will be another event tomorrow in New York City for gaming press to get hands-on time with some of the upcoming Switch games, so I’m sure we’ll know more then.