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Check out this awesome Altered Beast comic book cover
We’ve never really given it much thought, but Altered Beast’s Roman Centurion is pretty similar to Marvel’s Bruce Banner. Both of them transform from human form into monsters capable of feats of strength and agility far beyond what they’re normally capable of.
Artist “Rusty Shackles” took notice and created a new spin on Jack Kirby’s classic The Incredible Hulk #1 cover from 1962 featuring characters from Altered Beast.
According to his website, Rusty Shackles has been merging comics and games for 1up since 2011. “Always striving to be more than mere paltry mash-ups, IQB seeks to explore symmetries and celebrate 2 mediums simultaneously on a 1 and a 1/2 month basis!”
You can see more of his work and purchase a print here .