Check out these new screenshots for Shenmue III
Although we didn’t see any new information on Shenmue III at this year’s PSX event, YS Net has sent out another brand new Kickstarter update with some pretty sweet updates. Firstly, pre-orders for the PC version of Shenmue III have been finalized. You can now pre-order the PC version of Shenmue III on their official website.
“Just as with the Kickstarter, backers will be able to choose whether they would like the PS4 version or the PC version. For example, if you have pledged for the PS4 version, you can still switch to the PC version, or vice versa. Backers will be able to make their choice during the backer surveys.”
Research and Development for Shenmue III has been full steam ahead and they are finally going into full production mode. The main game scenarios are near completion and voicing tests with the cast are beginning.
“I have been absorbed in developing the game and I stay in the studio all night time to time. My life is all about Shenmue day and night.”-Yu Suzuki
Finally, YS Net has revealed some brand new screenshots which you can check out below.