Play Asia begins Retro Freak Game Gear Converter shipments
Cyber Gadget’s Retro Freak Game Gear Converter has had a rocky life up to this point. It was originally announced in December 2015, with a release in February, but Play Asia delayed it time after time with little explanation as to why.
But we received an email this morning notifying us that our order has finally shipped, and it looks like we’ll soon be enjoying our lovely Game Gear collection on our big screen TV!
The Game Gear Converter will plug into the Retro Freak’s Mega Drive slot to add Game Gear, SEGA Mark III (cartridge and My Card) and SG-1000 support. A system update released released earlier this year added software compatibility. See here for instructions how to apply the update.
You can still order the Game Gear Converter from Play Asia here.