Featured StoryNewsSaturn

A SEGA fan is engineering a plug-in-flash-card for the SEGA Saturn

While we all love our SEGA Saturn and Dreamcast, the optical drives were not built to last. It can get pretty frustrating when you want to play your favorite game, but the console won’t read your disc.

SEGA fan and coder Dr Abrasive went on a trip to Japan, purchased a SEGA Saturn and brought it home to write software for the console. Abrasive researched a way to make it easier to mod the Saturn and took on an ambitious project to create a flash card that you can plug in to the back of the Saturn and play your games.

While the flash card is still being tweaked and is not available for commercial use, this opens up the doors to wonderful possibilities; You’ll be able to store an entire library of SEGA Saturn games without worrying about dying laser heads or scratched CDs.

Check out the video above and let us know what you think in the comments below!


Marcin Gulik

Been a gamer all my life. Studied Sociology and Criminology in college, and traveled for a bit. I like long walks on the beach and I like to listen to... (wait wrong site....) Sega Dreamcast and Shenmue all the way!

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