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SEGA Nerdcast: Episode 101 (The Great Coleco Chameleon Caper)
We’re back again this week, this time joined by our buddy Scotty, from SEGA Addicts!
In this week’s show, we talk about:
- Having lunch with Tom Kalinske at the New York Toy Fair
- Going hands-on with the Coleco Chameleon and the controversy surrounding it
- Hanging out at MAGFest and what makes it one of the best gaming conventions
- Including playing an awesome indie title called A Tofu Tail!
- SEGA News:
- Archie Comics releasing a retro-style Sonic the Hedgehog comic
- Data Discs will release a Streets of Rage 2 vinyl
- Sonic Boom: Fire & Ice delayed … again
- SEGA planning Sonic 25th anniversary panel at SXSW
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