Phantasy Star Online 2 for PS4 releases in spring 2016 in Japan
SEGA has announced that the PlayStation 4 version of Phantasy Star Online 2 will launch in spring 2016 in Japan.
Beginning in February, SEGA will begin a closed beta test, and users won’t need a PlayStation Plus membership to play the final version.
Of course, there was no mention of a Western release for the game. PSO 2 was first released in Japan on PC in 2012 and the following year on Vita. SEGA of America has stated numerous times the game is still slated for release in North America and Europe, but there hasn’t been any meaningful progress that we’ve seen to that end.
【『PSO2放送局』第37回放送中!】『PSO』15周年記念プロジェクト第10弾!PS4版『PSO2』は2016年春にサービス開始予定です!! #PSO2 pic.twitter.com/cEidQDz6KJ
— PhantasyStarOnline2 (@sega_pso2) December 23, 2015
[Via Gematsu]