For those who haven’t played SEGA & Nintendo’s Bayonetta 2 yet, I highly recommend picking it up. The sequel solidified the series as a top entry in the action genre, which is why it is not surprising to hear that the director of the Bayonetta series is looking to create a sequel to last year’s award-winning video game.
A brief interview with Yusuke Hashimoto was featured in the latest issue of GameMaster. In one of the questions, GameMaster asks which game sequel Yusuke would like to work on. Yusuke responded with:
“A sequel to a Platinum title… I’d have to say Bayonetta 3. I have all kinds of ideas in my head for how to expand the world of Bayonetta in even more sequels, or maybe a spin-off!”
What say you, SEGA Nerds? Would you like to see a Bayonetta 3? If not a Bayonetta 3, would you want to see some sort of spin-off title? Let us know in the comments below!
Source: Hardcore Gamer