Our coverage of Rodea: The Sky Soldier a couple of months ago had us REALLY excited for this game. Unfortunately, one tidbit of information was never revealed: an international release date. An article from Famitsu magazine has recently revealed new information regarding an international release for Rodea: The Sky Solider. Famitsu’s articled featured an interview with Kadokawa Games president, Yoshimi Yasuda. In the interview, Yasuda states:
It took some time to deliver [Rodea] to everyone, but the Nintendo 3DS, Wii U and Wii versions were rebooted. I think that we can share some sort of notification of a overseas release in the near future, so overseas users please look forward to it.
Yasuda’s statement suggests that an international release for Rodea: The Sky Soldier could happen in the near future.
For all our Japanese fans, the game will be released in Japan on April 2, 2015; the Wii U version, which includes the Wii version, will cost 7,200 yen, and the 3DS version will cost 5,800 yen. Stay tuned for more information!
[Source: Nintendo Everything ]