SEGA Nerdcast: Episode 56
Graham took over hosting duties for me this week, and one of our newer lovely writers JP joins the show. JP is best known around these parts for his awesome Puzzle Columns series.
This episode of the SEGA Nerdcast is packed full of awesome SEGA news:
- Bayonetta’s Wii U director comments on Nintendo suits;
- Funimation bringing Bayonetta animated movie to North America;
- SEGA of Japan launches Sonic Toon website;
- Sonic Dash has Android themed challenge to unlock Andronic Sonic;
- Phantasy Star Online 2 suffers DDOS attacks in Japan
- Featured Discussion: What are your favorite Sonic the Hedgehog memories?; and
- What We’ve Been Playing:
- Graham: Uncharted 3, Ocarina of Time 3D, Command and Conquer
- Kopke: Toe Jam & Earl III, Castle of Illusion, Ristar, Sonic 2, amd Asterix (Game Gear)
- JP: Sonic Generations 3DS, Pokemon X and Black 2, Mario Kart 8
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