Community Art of the Month: May
Hi everyone!
It took us a while this time, sorry for the delays, I’ve been too busy with a lot of work lately (and by that I really mean a lot), but it’s finally here! Our Monthly section in which we gather the amazing SEGA related art the community has been doing around the web. Remember to send to us via our social networks (Twitter, Facebook, or G+) some of the stuff you find or done by yourselves to be part of this section.
Want to check our past editions? Here are the links for the past months so far:
January | February | March | April | Dreamcast Posters | and additionally we’ve released some great Trading Cards here for our anniversary.
Misaka Mikoto from A Scientific Railgun as appering in SEGA x Dengeki Bunko FIGHTING CLIMAX by MatsuRyu
Dominion Dollar (Nagare) from Hero Bank by Rojio
Ulala from Space Channel 5 pt. 2 by ziro264
Ash from Hell Yeah! by Moony Wings
Xecty from Shining Tears X Wind by Werkbau
Hatsune Miku x Virtual On from Project Diva by JAG
Amy from Sonic Boom by baitong9194
Jet, Blaze, Silver, & Tikal by Ganache
Honey from Fighting Vipers by Bunchiku
Tillis from Burning Rangers by Shaky Shaky
Shion from Wonder Boy V: Monster World III by Kamiomutsu
S from Puyo Puyo Tetris by Yunata
Kuna from PSO2 by NandZ
Shinobi Hotsuma by NandZ
Spiral Knights by Tomokii
Professor Asobin by Shinogo
Strenght & The Empress from The House of the Dead by His Excellency
Cain from Binary Domain by Lia
Sakura Shinguji by Aoka
Ecco the Dolphin by Gregory the Palmer