Tulio Goncalves posted the above video update on the Pier Solar HD Kickstarter page yesterday with some bad news. It looks like the Xbox 360 version isn’t going to happen, and it’s not for lack of effort on Watermelon Games’ part. According to Goncalves, Microsoft simply won’t respond to the numerous application he’s submitted, so at this point, the decision was made to move forward with the other ports of the HD release of the SEGA Genesis RPG.
Goncalves also announced the game will be delayed from its planned December release date until around March 2014. What’s more, he announced Pier Solar HD will also be made available on the PlayStation 3, which he actually announced first on Episode 4 of the SEGA Nerdcast, and also the PlayStation 4.
Pier Solar HD will be released on the SEGA Dreamcast, Nintendo Wii U, PC, PS3, PS4, Android and Ouya. So pretty much everything except Microsoft consoles. Psshh, for shame, Microsoft. For shame!