Those very pretty people over at The Sonic Stadium (TSS) have managed to snag an interview with the head of Sonic Team, the creator of NiGHTS and all round gaming legend, Takashi Iizuka, to talk more about Sonic: Lost World.
One slightly surprising thing to come from the interview is that Iizuka revealed to TSS that the ill-fated Sonic X-Treme, had no influence on Sonic: Lost World and the developers didn’t know about it – despite some earlier reports that the Lost World‘s gameplay concept had come from the cancelled Saturn game.
TSS – Was the unreleased Sonic X-Treme any influence on this game?
Iizuka – No. Not at all. Actually, the developers of this game don’t know about Sonic X-Treme so it’s all new.
And that’s about all that was said on the matter – it would have been great to get some follow-up questions on this – but, nevertheless, well done to TSS for getting a chance to sit down with the main man.
The interview does have some other interesting bits of information, but rather than just regurgitating them – head on over to the original source for the full interview.