IGN’s Richard George has gone behind the scenes in the development of Sonic: Lost World and has just posted a ton of new information and screens of the game, as well as some choice quotes from the game’s Produceer Takashi Iizuka.
“We wanted to create an all-new design for 3D Sonic games with Sonic: Lost World,” Iizuka wrote. “Ever since the first day of development, we were focused on creating new and unique levels to best fit this new style.”
According to George’s article, there will be some big fundamental changes to the Sonic formula, some of which may anger long-time fans, like the new Parkour system. “In previous 3D Sonic games, even if you’re running through a level at top speed, if you hit an obstacle you stop instantly,” Iizuka wrote. “To avoid this, we added a new action to keep Sonic running, even when you hit an obstacle. To make sure it only happens when you want it to, it’s triggered by the player holding the run button.”
Secondly, the manner in which Sonic runs is quite different from series past, as well. Using the Wii U Gamepad’s analog stick will now make Sonic walk, not run. Once you press one of the triggers, Sonic will then begin running. If you press and hold the opposite trigger, it will engage Sonic’s iconic spin to give him full speed.
“Exhilarating and dynamic speed can sometimes conflict with [intuitive] controls, so we’re constantly trying to improve the balance between the two,” Iizuka wrote.
There is a lot more great information in the article, so I encourage you to follow the link below to read more. It sounds as if Sonic Team is taking some pretty big risks with the game, and I really hope it pays off. I have to admit though that I don’t like the idea of making Sonic automatically traverse certain obstacles, which, in my opinion, have become a staple of the series.