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‘Sonic Toon’ available on Japan’s Netflix on July 1st.
The Sonic Boom TV show has had some critical success in the Western audiences, having now been nominated for a Teen Choice Award, is now going to be broadcasted to the East audience via Netflix.
Named ‘Sonic Toon’, 52 episodes, which have been dubbed in Japanese, will be available as a Netflix exclusive in Japan. All episodes are from Sonic Boom season one and will be streaming starting on July 1st.
セガを代表するアクションゲーム「ソニック」シリーズの人気キャラクター、超音速ハリネズミのソニックたちが大活躍!2014年から北米をはじめ世界100カ国以上で放映された3DCGアニメ『ソニックトゥーン』日本語吹替版、全52話、あす7月1日から独占配信スタート! #ネトフリ pic.twitter.com/udbqWo06QB
— Netflix Japan (@NetflixJP) June 30, 2017