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SEGA Nerdcast: Episode 81 (with Stephen Frost)
Our good buddy Stephen Frost joins the SEGA Nerdcast this week to discuss his career at SEGA, his thoughts on Sonic Boom, the SEGA layoffs and much more!
In this week’s show, we discuss:
- Stephen’s new YouTube channel
- Chris buys an SG-1000 and a busted Magnavox Odyssey 2
- Our *early* impressions of 3D Out Run on 3DS
- ToeJam & Earl Kickstarter announces console stretch goals
- Tembo the Badass Elephant announced for PS4, Xbox One and PC
- SEGA Hard Girls vs Hyperdimension Neptunia. Is this real life?
- And more on Japanese tech culture (including the latest in igaming from レオベガスカジノ)
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